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Prohibited foods before running

Juices, cereals, dairy or energy drinks are some foods that are best taken after training.

Obviously every runner is a world and one can not identify with any of these tips, but in general, can establish a pattern of what would be best avoided before running.

Nobody disputes today the importance of taking fruit daily. They are essential for its vitamin and water, and also contain sugar, a key element for any sportsman. It is precisely this sugar content which will make us choose between what fruit to take and what not to take before our workout.

If we do a long session (over 2 hours) should avoid fruits high glycemic index (those containing sugars that are quickly absorbed), so we will leave aside the melon, watermelon, kiwi, even peach and apricots.

If the session is short session (about 1 hour) avoid the low glycemic index, since its effect at the level of energy input will appear when we are already in the shower. These fruits are strawberries, apples, cherries, grapefruit, orange and pear. Regardless of the time that we devote to sports, it is always advisable to discard the fruit is not ripe, and which may provoke a laxative effect, as in the case of plums. Finally, it is advisable not to take fruit juice, since being concentrated brings too many carbs at once and can cause stomach upset.

What not to eat or how not to do before exercise

The cereals:
Forget those trademarks that claim to be high in fiber, because even be good for another time of day may be counterproductive before a race. Having slow digestion can promote flatulence and desire to evacuate during the race.

One of the most common questions in runners is whether people should stop drinking milk, especially before competitions. The truth is that eternal debate about whether milk can cause digestive problems in competition because adults lose the lactase enzyme responsible for degrading the lactose, is still controversial. There endorsed opinions detractors and defenders milk consumption, therefore each must choose to take before you start running or not. What certainly must avoid is taking fatty cheeses, we will be heavier.

Energy drinks:
Is nothing recommended before running, since that contain mainly glucose, a carbohydrate high glycemic index, we can cause lightheadedness just before starting.
It is advisable to take them during or immediately after, but not between meals or before running unless few minutes before starting. Obviously apart from this never eat a food that has not been tried before, and drink plenty of water when missing less than two hours to start running, because as metabolism water lasts 2 hours; If we drink about 15 minutes before exercise, water used to replenish losses caused by sweating during it.

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