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Workout like a Superhero: Thor

Asgard’s defenses were fashioned in the sinew of its guardians. This means only one thing for you now: work, baby. Work hard.

Here’s the Thor Bodyweight Workout:

Thor Bodyweight Workout Routine:

The Thor Bodyweight Workout Routine includes:
20 lunges
5 shoulder presses
10 one legged squats
20 shoulder touches
12 push-ups
20 plank jumps
20 sit-ups
20 sitting twists
20 Turkish get-ups

What it works: quads, calves, aerobic capacity, cardiovascular system, front hip flexors, triceps, core, lateral abdominals, glutes, lower back. Almost full body!

Tips: When performing the elbow plank keep looking forward. Do not raise your head too high and do not drop it and let your chin tuck towards your chest. This helps maintain great posture.

Circuit Training:

Circuit training means that you do the workout over and over. You do one set of each exercise, then move onto the next exercise. Using your own bodyweight becomes harder the more circuits you do. The number of circuits right for you depends on your fitness level. Try to start with Level I or II, and work your way up to Level III or beyond.
  • Level I: Do 3 sets
  • Level II: 5 sets
  • Level III: 7 sets
  • Rest up to 2 minutes
Catch your breath (rest) for up to 2 minutes between each round. Reduce this amount of time to unlock and harness the true power of bodyweight circuit training. You will find that shortening your rest periods turns this into a HIIT workout. HIIT workouts are the best way to burn fat. Increase the fat-burning aspect of circuit training by slowly minimizing the amount of rest between circuits.

The Thor Bodyweight Workout routine was created by Neila Rey. You can find Neila Rey on Google+ here. If you like this bodyweight routine, you can find all the bodyweight workouts here.

With all these workouts, it is good to switch them up. That’s why all these bodyweight workouts were created in the first place. To avoid the same repetitive gym routine every day.

Instead, you can choose a different one every day. This way, your workout doesn’t feel stale. If you like this bodyweight routine, you can find all the bodyweight workouts here. By doing different superhero bodyweight workouts, you avoid the same repetitive gym routine every day.

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