Wrist Injury: Exercises to reduce the risk
The wrist joints are constantly under stress when training. Wrist injuries can be caused by a fall, stopping the ball wrong hands or grab a dumbbell with poor technique.
The wrist is made up of eight small bones (carpal bones), along with the two long bones of the forearm (radius and ulna). The doll can move in flexion and extension (which moves the palm toward or away from your forearm) and the adduction (wave motion). Having adequate flexibility in the wrist and timely stability is important to help prevent wrist injuries.
A common problem that usually occurs as a result of prolonged training is carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). This occurs when the median nerve, which originates at the top of his arm and extends all the way into the palm of the hand is compressed or irritated. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway in the wrist bones and ligaments compound, allowing the median nerve pass to the palm.
Wrist injuries - The importance of flexibility
If the nerve is compressed by tendonitis, bone degeneration, or swelling, can make us feel a pain, tingling or numbness in the area. Symptoms occur mainly in areas that include the palm thumb, second and third section of the digits, and a slightly the digital portion of the fourth section. This is commonly seen in people who work with computer, which due to be abusing a particular movement, usually weaken the wrist.
However, repetitive motions of weight training and exercises involving the wrist can also also cause carpal tunnel syndrome. If we have experienced their symptoms, need to adapt or introduce training exercises to avoid wrist injuries.
Wrist injuries - Prevention Exercises
Here are some stretching and recommended to help prevent possible injury of wrist exercises. We must remember, that if we have already experienced any pain, tingling or numbness of these movements, we realize ourselves a medical evaluation to tell us what to do.
Wrist injuries - Wrist Extension Stretch
With your palmed facing up and your elbow straight, pull your hand down with your other hand. You should feel a mild to moderate stretch. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat with your other wrist for three sets.
Keep your elbow straight and pull your wrist backward with your other hand. You should feel a mild to moderate stretch. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Repeat with the other wrist for three sets.
Wrist injuries - Tennis Ball Squeeze
Squeeze a tennis ball as hard as possible without causing pain. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 8-10 times.
Wrap a resistance band around your hand with your palm facing up and your elbow by your side, as if doing a dumbbell curl. Keep the elbow bent to 90 degrees and slowly curl your wrist up, squeezing your hand and forearm muscles. Repeat on the other wrist for three sets with 15 reps.
Wrist injuries - Resistance Band Wrist Extension
With your elbow by your side, wrap a resistance band around your hand. Keep your palm facing down and your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle, as if doing a reverse curl. Slowly curl your wrist up, squeezing your forearm muscles. Repeat with the other wrist and perform three sets of 10-15 repetitions.
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