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I want to start CrossFit: this is what you have to keep in mind 🏋‍♂

One of the advantages of CrossFit is the adaptability to any level of physical condition. If you are starting to practice physical activity and have considered trying CrossFit, here we tell you what you are going to find and what you will feel after the first sessions.

What is CrossFit?

CrossFit is a training method for any person and age. Three of its main characteristics are variety, high intensity and non-specialization on any specific capacity. This creates a very versatile and complete formula.

Is CrossFit for me?

Yes, CrossFit can be adapted to anyone. Even if you don't have a good physical condition, the different workouts or WODs (Workout of the Day) are highly adaptable to your level.

You may also have heard that CrossFit is very harmful, but this is not fair. The high variety of exercises along with the high intensity and time time trial in many of the WODs, are one of the best claims of this sport and for many it is an inexhaustible source of motivation.

As I said, it is not fair to say that CrossFit is harmful, when practiced according to the basic principles of training. If the motivation to go further makes you reckless and negligent, rest assured that you will be injured, but not only in CrossFit, in any sport.

However, this should not have to worry that your goal now is to learn the technique exercises and pick up the pace.

How is a CrossFit class structured?

If you are starting, it is not the time to go free. The best thing is that you go to classes where you will train in a group and you will have a coach to help you adapt the exercises to your level.

Warm up: any physical effort requires prior physical and mental preparation. In CrossFit classes you will start increasing body temperature to prepare for subsequent efforts.

Skills: this part of the class is dedicated to the technique of the different exercises. It is important to take our time in this part of the class since this is where the true skills and abilities you will need in the future are built. You can practice at home what you learn here or at other times in the box if you pay the open fee.

Strength: in this part of the class you will focus on strength work, which is the basis, together with the technique, of any training program.

WOD: before the end of the day, the workout of the day is done, which will be pointed on a blackboard. Each day there will be a different one, with different exercises, different repetitions and different efforts. Dedicate yourself to do them day after day and improve your brands little by little. Focus on finishing the WODs, don't let them end up with you.

Cool down: after you have raised your heart rate you cannot go home, you must make a return to calm through relaxation and stretching.

How can I adapt the exercises?

You should know that being new or not, you will perform the same exercises as the others, simply these will adapt to you to a greater or lesser degree in execution, in material and load used.

- To look for your max weight in squats you have to learn first to do them with your body weight, do it.
- To do dips in rings you need to make them with a bar first.
- To do pull ups you have to use elastic bands, use them, from the thickest to the finest.
And so with everything. There are accessory material and variants of the exercises that will adapt to each phase of your evolution.

Will I have stiffness?

Yes, you will have stiffness. If you start from zero you were going to have them in any sport you did but you should keep in mind that in addition to CrossFit being a sport of such a high variety, the stiffness will never completely disappear. What is certain is that the more frequently you do CrossFit, the more your body will adapt to the effort and the less stiffness you will have.

How do I choose my ideal CrossFit box?

The two fundamental things you should find out about each CrossFit box are:
- The activities and schedules they offer. The more classes and different schedules they have, the easier is that they can adapt to yours so that you don't miss any.
- The material. If you decide to pay the open fee that will allow you to go free training whenever you want, it is important to check if there will be enough material to train while a class is being taught. It usually happens that when a class is in progress, the people who are doing it will monopolize much of the material and weights available in the box. If you want to train for free, make sure you have enough material.

After that, talk and know the coaches, explain your case and make sure they are aware of you, especially at the beginning.

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