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The real reasons why you do not like going to the gym

With New Year's resolutions, many people point to the gym. But there they discover that this is a less friendly place than they thought ...

When we walked into a sports center, we are the object of attention.

With the start of the new year, come the purposes of personal improvement. Of all these, no other as prevalent as more exercise, which often means joining a gym to abandon months later. However, some people do not dare to take the plunge and prefer to exercise alone. This is not an economic issue or leisure, but fear.

Gymtimidation is the name given to the fear felt by people in the gym to be forced to expose their bodies in public, especially if their peers Pumped-muscled men are. A psychological handicap which causes often avoid going to these centers where we think we will just go wrong and, what is worse, to look ridiculous.

When others look at us (and perhaps judge us)

A recent survey by the magazine Cosmopolitan Fitness has shown that this is a more widespread than we might think phobia. According to their results, this is one of the most common reasons for leaving the gym. Up to 20% of men surveyed stated that their greatest fear is not knowing what to do, and thus, become an object of scorn glances from other athletes.

For women it is not all easy, since 14% of them said that she felt intimidated by the possible looks to them by men, while 10% are concerned about the opinion of other females. The most substantial difference between the sexes is that while women care about the opinion of both other women and men, these women are indifferent consideration.

By contrast, men seem to show much more stubborn, as evidenced by the fact that less than half of them would show willing to seek help from an unknown partner, while 92% of women would without problem. Up to 1% of men claimed to have left the gym immediately after checking does not know to use certain gadget.

Among the reasons for leaving sports practice, however, still dominate the traditional. 53% of men are tired of the gym after repeatedly checking that is always busy and difficult to follow the plan you want, 41% is defined as vague and only about 5% are not considered fit enough to join a sports center or believe it is a space designed for regular only. For women, laziness is the main reason that away from the machines, but up to 15% are not fit.

Take care of your body, is the only place you have to live

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