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Weaknesses: Shoulders

I have thought about making a serial of articles dedicated to analyze how to improve performance in each of the body's muscles, analyzing what affects us a certain body weakness aesthetically and functionally.

To do this, I will give some specific guidelines and major exercises to help us eliminate our weaknesses. The target muscle which will focus today is on the shoulders, a much larger area than is often thought, take care to be important from an aesthetic point of view and from the functional point of view.

Weaknesses - The shoulders from the aesthetic point of view
The shoulders are one of the most important parts aesthetic level of the top of our body, especially for men. It is one of the muscles in size greater sense given including the trapezius and upper chest. They are essential to avoid one of the worst consequences that we can succeed aesthetic level in these areas: the swan neck or shoulders slumped syndrome (fallen and weak shoulders having a large and developed trapezius).

Recommendations to avoid this is to focus on shoulders at power train time priority, prioritizing the press over the head and compound exercises that help us to gain size and strength, as it is necessary to overcome this weakness. Furthermore, a good alternative is to perform two week sessions shoulder beginning at the first work it day.

Weaknesses - The shoulders from the functional point of view
Primarily responsible for functional movements of the upper body are the shoulders and triceps.

It's easy, we may have problems in many years but are able to remedy our shoulders. But, pay attention to where our greatest weakness, as the shoulder is a muscle divided into different sections, as we can see in the picture below:

The main exercises that will help to annihilate our weaknesses are as follows, making mention what is the shoulder area to improve:

Military Press: Perhaps the most comprehensive exercise to work your shoulders. This is due to the military press works all sections of the shoulder, with the front deltoids which suffer more stress and tension when run. Fundamental in improving the pushups and bench press.

Incline bench press: The incline bench press, is usually performed as an alternative to military press or in combination therewith in the routine, as they are closer than it seems movements. Greater emphasis placed on the upper chest and shoulders least, being a great alternative to improve the military press and bench press. It is not as effective in all areas of work such as military shoulder press, greater load carrying front and rear deltoid shoulder muscles that act as stabilizers.

Lateral Raises: key to gain strength in the lateral head of shoulder, being a basic assistance exercise for the bench press exercise. For those of you cost out the side section, recommend working this exercise with dumbbell and pulley, alternating routine routine repeats and different series. But what I advise not, is it abandon, it is one of the main pillars to develop a good shoulders.

Cuban Press: Cuban press, is a perfect movement to prevent injury and improve strength in the rotator cuffs. It is equally effective for the military press to the bench press.

Bent-Over Dumbbell Raise: Like the side elevations were most important to help build strength and muscle tone in the lateral, birds exert the same role with the back of the shoulders. A more important to the auxiliary bench press exercise, which for the military press, for the rear shoulder muscles act as stabilizers and greatly minimize the risk of injury.

Also you can follow the 5 rules to strenghten shoulders that we post few days ago!

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