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If You Want to Lose Weight, Get it NOW with these Aerobic Exercises at Home

Tired of not achieving lose weight? Do you think you've done almost everything and gives nothing result? Following aerobic exercises at home are the solution to your problems ... But, why would they be? 

Let me explain accurately listing their benefits:
  • Are home aerobic workouts with proven efficacy along the time
  • These are compound movements that make the body burn more calories than simple exercises, such as the triceps kick
  • They are comfortable, and do not need any type of material to be made.

Aerobic exercises at home

Without further ado, it is time to get down to work and give a chance to this list 4 aerobic workouts at home. 


For me, the Burpee is one of the best aerobic exercises at home there. We can lose weight in abundance if we integrate a proper exercise routine because it is relatively simple to master and with which we can get to gain strength and muscle tone simply exercise.

To successfully complete the burpees exercise began standing in a neutral position, with your feet shoulder width. Then, resting his hands on the ground, stretch out your legs with an explosive momentum to end in position for a bending, touching the ground with his chest if possible.
Once we return to the starting position flex with a similar to the first impulse, we put the legs of hand finally jumped awake while stretching his arms toward the ceiling.

As a note for beginners, it is possible to do what we call a medium Burpee, which will remove the final jump and simply return to stand as in the starting position.


Galloping, although not as well known as burpees, it is one of the best aerobic exercises to do at home. Even more simply, it is perfect for beginners, because it's basically like we were jogging on the site. It seems comfortable to do, the truth is that if we do repetitions, be easy since it is an exercise to work on time rather than repetitions.

To gallop, static must begin preparing the same way our bodies when we go for a run. The execution of this exercise is quite simple, because we have to run, but instead of the usual lifting, first the right rodillla trying to bring the left arm.

The opposite arm, in this case the left, we escorarlo to facilitate the knee as close as possible to this joint. This we must do as we move forward, so the more you raise the leg without more, it is propelling it forward.

Subsequently, we do the same movement with the left leg and right arm, but without stopping at any time. We need to move coordinated as we doing this exercise.

Even though the gallop does not seem a very difficult exercise to do, how hard it is to run the long distance enduring cardiovascular and muscular fatigue to which we subjected this fun movement. Try to run 1km galloping and will know of what I speak.

Jumping Jack

The jumping jacks are another interesting to consider if we want to lose weight with exercise at home exercise. Simple and effective, the jumping jack is a classic of our home exercise routines, so I strongly recommend you give him a chance.

First, to make the jumping jack correctly, we should stretch the muscles of the legs and arms (ie, hamstrings, quadriceps, buttocks, calves, shoulders, back, triceps, biceps). Stretching is very important in this exercise to avoid injury.

Let's place our back straight, feet together and arms at your sides, bending your knees. Afterwards, we make a small jump and while we're in the air, take the legs beyond shoulder height.

While the legs are moving out, will raise your arms above your head. The arms should be slightly bent throughout the entire movement in the air.

Squat jump

The squat jump, despite being more complicated than before, fighting effectiveness with Burpee as one of the best aerobic workouts exercise at home. In this case, you can work perfectly repetitions, considering that we are able to do it under appropriate conditions, for what before we have to be able to do squats with body weight perfectly.

To successfully run the squat jump, we should be standing upright and with your feet slightly wider than shoulder width. We will go down in the same way as if we perform a normal squat, that is, with straight trunk and pulled out and the buttocks also pulled back the chest.

Once we broke the parallel between the hips and knees, we try to climb as fast as we can for as we are raising, let's jump and we take off the feet of the ground as much as we can.

There is no mandatory height to properly perform the exercise with your feet off the ground will, yes, try to be as generous as possible, as it will help us to gain more strength, the more we rise.

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