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5 reasons to not stretch before your Workout

It always was said and we heard that before exercise is essential to do some stretching. However, several studies in recent years show the disadvantages of this practice.

1. Your strenght decreases:

Stretching before a session of weights lowers levels of strength depending on the studied published by The Journal of Strenght & Conditioning Investigation. On the other hand, other studies conducted in Zagreb concluded that static stretching can decrease the performance of your muscles up to 5%.

2. Negative influence on your power:

Your explosive strenght or power can decrease up to 2% stretching before your session. You'll notice especially if you play racquet sports or other team sports.

3. It also affects the resistance of the muscles:

As for endurance sports (such as running or bike) is also not shown that a previous stretches have benefit, since it reduces the ability of your muscles to store energy, a key factor in your performance.

4. The myth of injuries:

It is true that when we stretch, the muscle relaxes and reduces the risk of muscle breakdown as it has become more elastic. And it is for that reason that increases the risk of joint injury cause your muscles will be relaxed and protect less your joints.

5. You can injure yourself before you start training:

If you do some static stretching before you begin training, you're subjecting your muscles to a deep stretch while they're still cold. This may cause you a muscle tear more easily than you think. 

In conclusion, start your training in a soft pace, light wheights or doing some rotational movements to improve your performance and avoid injuries.

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