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Importance of good hydration

It is always important to be well hydrated, even more when we practice sport.

We all know that hydration is essential, but when practice sport becomes much more important, making the hydration part of the training of an athlete; cramps, exhaustion, difficulty moving and heat waves, starts when hydration is not gradually adjusted to the warm climate or we don’t hydrate as it relates to a specific physical activity or even have a relative dehydration before starting the exercises. 

When we are dehydrated, our sport performance starts to go down and if we continue, the dehydration suffers a decompensation. Running for example, burns a lot of energy. Doing exercise  generates energy to the muscles and it’s released as heat. The water body does not let this get hot, because the sweat and the evaporation of water in our skin cool the body. In the process of cooling the body we lose water and the body increase its temperature if that water is not refilled. Only 2% loss of water in the body, decrease the performance.

Water is the best way to hydrate properly. In addition, sports drinks were created to hydrate rapidly during the exercise. The drink used to hydrate must be colder than the ambient temperature, to absorb it faster.

The best way is to always hydrate before, during and after physical activity. Do not wait for thirst because it would be too late.

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