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10 essential foods for weight loss

What has to be on the shopping list of any athlete who wants to lose weight, regardless of your sport.

1) Avocados

They provide good fat fills you and it's a good substitute for mayonnaise on sandwiches. They also have anti-inflammatory properties.

2) Berries

They are full of fiber, which help you feel satiated, and antioxidants that help repair tissue.

3) Frozen vegetables

No spoil and last long in the freezer, so you do not have the excuse of having to eat a pizza instead of eating healthy. Use them in scrambled or mixed with quinoa.

4) Greek yogurt

The yogurt is packed with protein and taste that (almost) could replace the ice cream.

5) Leafy vegetables

They contain lots of vitamin C, potassium and fiber in very few calories.

6) Beef fat free

Red meat is high in protein and iron, an important nutrient for athletes. Among lean cuts can choose between beef, tenderloin or sirloin.

7) Nuts butter

Yes, they have a high fat content. But it is good fat and also provide protein. Join them with some fruit and do not eat it by the spoonful.

8) Popcorn

Want give yourself a treat that do not makes you feel guilty? Choose popcorn. They are integral, so you're not throwing away all the work you're doing.

9) Quinoa

This whole grain is rich in carbohydrates and protein (which means you will not be hungry after 15 minutes of eating, as does happen with rice).

10) Salmon

This oily fish is rich in omega-3 acids and antiinflammatories also provides a large amount of protein.

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