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7 things you do wrong in the gym

It costs a lot to make the decision to sign up to a gym, so now that you've done, take advantage of the maximum time. Let's see 7 too common errors that makes your time in the gym wasted.

1. Too much socializing:

In the gym you can meet a lot of people (which is great), but when you're between weights make sure that these comrades are in your same direction. This means that if you decide to train with someone, that person must TRAIN. It is no use if you do your number and go to the other end of the gym to rest while you chat, need to stay focused.

2. Go too slowly:

Going to the gym does not mean end exhausted. But if during your work on the treadmill or bike you get a magazine or book to read, you will be wasting your time. Increase your intensity by increasing your potential ranges for training and your burning calories.

3. Not having a plan:

If you're going to the gym but are not sure what you have to do, try to copy other users will be a big waste of time. Before going to the gym stop and think how you're going to work that day. When you arrive you know exactly what you gona do and you will take advantage of your time.

4. Too many breaks:

Maintain high pulse is the key to the success of your training. So if your session today not stop going to the source or the TV to watch the news .... it's time to shorten that rest and go to work. It's good to rest between sets and exercises, but remember that the pulse should be maintained above 60% ​​at least.

5. Too much time in the dressing room:

If you are not concentrated in your training, your visit to the dressing room can become either 20 minutes looking for a sock or watching mobile. Take your backpack well organized or try to go to the gym in the hours where there are less people.

6. You only use the machines:

Using guided machines you work certain muscles, but if you use them too frequently can become a waste of time. The machines are too comfortable and focus only on one muscle group. Try combining machines with free weight exercises or pulleys that include global movements to work several muscles at once.

7. Do not know what you're doing:

This problem is more common than it seems. You've joined a gym and you get to make the first machine you see free. Talk to a coach or trainer to make you a routine according to your needs and goals. If you go for free is likely to repeat muscle groups, or not knowing exactly how exercise, causing you to being careful and practically serve for nothing.

You can find well guided workouts for every muscle group in my Youtube playlist: 8 minutes workouts.

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