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Workout like a Superhero: Star Wars Jedi Bodyweight Workout

Workout Like a Superhero: Jedi Bodyweight Workout

The Jedi Bodyweight Workout is a total body routine. Use this bodyweight routine to look like Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Master Yoda who plays the role of a Jedi in the Star Wars movies. The focus of the Jedi workout is on circuit training that works your whole body. The main focus is on working your body with different bodyweight exercises. The faster you do them, the more fat-burning will occur as a result.

Here’s the Jedi Bodyweight Workout:

Jedi Bodyweight Workout

Jedi Bodyweight Workout Routine:

The Jedi Bodyweight Workout Routine includes:
20 Jump Thrust
30 sec Push-Up Plank
10 Raised Leg Push-Ups
20 Woodchoppers
5 Side-to-Side Lunges
60 sec One Leg Stand (30 sec each leg)
20 Sit-Ups
20 Side Jackknives (10 per side)
20 Planks With Rotations

Circuit Training:

Circuit training means that you do the workout over and over. You do one set of each exercise, then move onto the next exercise. Using your own bodyweight becomes harder the more circuits you do. The number of circuits right for you depends on your fitness level. Try to start with Level I or II, and work your way up to Level III or beyond.
  • Level I (Beginners): Do 3 Circuits
  • Level II (Intermediate): 5 Circuits
  • Level III (Good): 7 Circuits
  • Advanced Goal: 10+ Circuits
Catch your breath (rest) for up to 2 minutes between each round. Reduce this amount of time to unlock and harness the true power of bodyweight circuit training. You will find that shortening your rest periods turns this into a HIIT workout. HIIT workouts are the best way to burn fat. Increase the fat-burning aspect of circuit training by slowly minimizing the amount of rest between circuits.

The Jedi Bodyweight Workout routine was created by Neila Rey. If you like this bodyweight routine, you can find all the bodyweight workouts here.

With all these workouts, it is good to switch them up. That’s why all these bodyweight workouts were created in the first place. To avoid the same repetitive gym routine every day.

Instead, you can choose a different one every day. This way, your workout doesn’t feel stale. If you like this bodyweight routine, you can find all the bodyweight workouts here. By doing different superhero bodyweight workouts, you avoid the same repetitive gym routine every day.

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